

The excavaion of a market place in Tobolsk

Anoshko O.M. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)


                   page 5364


This article presents the results of the excavation works of a marketplace that was laid in the historical part of the lower village of Tobolsk, near the Kurdyumka river. The conducted archaeological research has established two building periods in this part of the city. The first building period is represented by powerful, well-stratified sediments containing the remains of the wooden trading rows of the marketplace that functioned in the 18th19th centuries. The second period, which remains were found in the lower occupation layer, is represented by the fragments of residential buildings dated late 17th early 18th century. The materials collected in the excavation site feature typical mass artefacts (tableware made of clay, porcelain, faience, glass, and a wide assortment of iron products and leather shoes), as well as some rare findings (chess figures, smoking pipes, crosses, rings, buttons, seals, bullets, clay and wooden toys, bone combs, etc.). The assemblage comprises coins and seals in large quantities, which were reliably attached to certain occupation layer strata. The provided characteristics of trade shops and goods having been sold therein have expanded the views of historians on trade relations in one of the first Russian towns in Siberia. According to the archaeological data, the products of Russian producers, including local ones, intended for wide population strata, greatly prevailed in the market of the lower village during the 18th and 19th centuries.


Key words: Tobolsk, the bottom posad, market square XVIIIXIX centuries, retail shops, residential buildings of the late XVIIearly XVIII century, artifacts.


DOI: 10.20874/2071-0437-2018-42-3-053-064




O.M. Anoshko

Tyumen Scientific Centre of Siberian Branch RAS, Malygina st., 86, Tyumån, 625026, Russian Federation

E-mail: [email protected]