

To the question of spatial development strategies used by Pakhomovo people in the Trans-Ural region

Kostomarov V.M. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)


                   page 3240


Research into the diverse aspects of the life of ancient people is known to involve a number of difficulties, such as the lack of data, limited selections of artefacts, etc. Recently, combined approaches and methods successfully applied in various scientific disciplines have attracted much attention. One of the most promising approaches is the use of modelling methods that are based on both simple and multilevel mathematical algorithms. Unfortunately, the specifics of Bronze Age archaeological sources does not allow a comprehensive application of such techniques for the reconstruction or assessment of historical processes in the Trans-Ural region. However, the application of GIS techniques proves beneficial for obtaining more objective information, verifying working hypotheses and validating obtained results. In this work, we investigate the specifics of the Pakhomovo culture, both in general and on the level of some settlements, by comparing various data sets on their economic activity, environmental management and the choice of adaptation strategies. A correlation analysis between various archaeological sources has allowed us to reveal a number of logical inconsistencies, to explain or to partly prove the validity or incorrectness of certain conclusions. Using specific GIS methods, the results of paleogeography studies and paleozoological data, we have defined a hypothetical border between the economic areas of some settlements, described specifics of their economic approaches and presented some arguments on re-settlement history. In order to assess the level of spatial development in these settlements, their logistics opportunities and resource potential, we also applied techniques used in spatial archaeology and territory analysis. As a result, the hypothesis about the effect of surrounding landscapes and economy patterns on the choice of spatial development strategies has been confirmed. It is concluded that the Pakhomovo population adopted a number of cultural traditions from the Andronovo community, thus choosing the same territories and developmental approaches.


Key words: Pakhomovo culture, Tobol River, Ishim River, economy, spatial analysis, typology of the archaeological sites, strategy.


DOI: 10.20874/2071-0437-2018-42-3-032-040




V.M. Kostomarov

Tyumen Scientific Centre of Siberian Branch RAS, Malygina st., 86, Tyumen, 625003, Russian Federation

E-mail: [email protected]