

Elemental analysis of archaeological ochre: method and possibilities of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

(based on materials of Neolithic and Aeneolithic sites of the Middle Trans-Urals and Western Siberia)

Iudina E.A., Tonkushina M.O., Kulesh N.A., Ostroushko A.A. (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation)


                      page 21–34


 The article is dedicated to methodological aspects of the elemental analysis (X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy) of a natural mineral pigment ochre. We chose oxide ochre obtained from the Neolithic and Aeneolithic sites of the taiga zone of Western Siberia and the Middle Urals (the end of VIIII millennium BC) as a source base. The questions of selection and preparation of archaeological samples, and of interpretive capabilities of the chosen approach are discussed in the article.

Key words: oxide ochre, natural mineral pigments, Neolithic Age, Aeneolithic Age, Western Siberia, Middle Trans-Urals, elemental analysis, XRF spectroscopy.


DOI: 10.20874/2071-0437-2016-34-3-021-034




E.A. Iudina

Ural Federal University, Lenina prospect, 51, Ekaterinburg, 620083, Russian Federation

E-mail: [email protected]


M.O. Tonkushina

Ural Federal University, Kuibysheva st., 48, Ekaterinburg, 620026, Russian Federation,

E-mail: [email protected]


N.A. Kulesh

Ural Federal University, Kuibysheva st., 48, Ekaterinburg, 620026, Russian Federation,

E-mail: [email protected]


A.A. Ostroushko

Ural Federal University, Kuibysheva st., 48, Ekaterinburg, 620026, Russian Federation,

E-mail: [email protected]