Protective rituals in the cattle breeding ptacticed by Komi people of Lower Pritobol'e and Omsk Priirtish'e
Liskevich N.A., Masharipova A.H. (Tymen, Russian Federation)
The rituals for the protection of the cattle practiced by Komi people in Lower Pritobol'e and Omsk Priirtish'e are observed. The sources of the research are field data materials, obtained in the ethnographic expeditions of IPDN SB RAS in Tyumen and Omsk regions in the 2000s. Ways of magic defense of cattle (cows) are pointed out. The ceremonies were committed to the life changing moments — a purchase of cattle, moving cattle to a new home, the first pasture, fawning, getting ready for the first milking, some calendar holidays (Christmas, Epiphany, the feast of St. Blaise, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday). The ways to influence the general well-being of cattle, to coax Domovoi (staichnyi: the one who lives in a shed), to protect and treat the evil eye and magic curse are shown. Typically, they were individual actions of owners, dedicated to a particular day or event. The main attributes of the actions for the magical protection of animals are animal-care objects, elements of a harness, belt or apron of the owners, elements of domestic stoves, grain, bread, salt, water, willow, mother-of-thyme, plants from worshiped places, pike teeth. In some cases, the rituals are accompanied by spells (prayers). The influence of Christian traditions predominates in the modern protective rituals.
Key words: Komi cattle breeding, protective and cleansing magic, Susedco, a magic curse and an evil eye of cattle.
DOI: 10.20874/2071-0437-2016-33-2-120-130
N.A. Liskevich
Institute of problems of Development of the North SB RAS, Malygin st., 86, Tyumen, 625003, Russian Federation
E-mail: [email protected]
A.H. Masharipova
Institute of problems of Development of the North SB RAS, Malygin st., 86, Tyumen, 625003, Russian Federation
E-mail: [email protected]