Semiozernoe II settlement
Evdokimov V.V. (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan), Logvin A.V. (Kostanai, Republic of Kazakhstan), Tkachev A.A. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
The Semiozernoe II
settlement is located at the centre of the northern Turgay Valley which lies
between Turan Plain and West Siberian Plain, Kazakhstan. Since 1973 it has been
frequently mentioned by researchers of Sintashta culture and Petrovka culture.
Since published material of the site was fragmented and limited, it is difficult
to have a precise notion of its material culture. As a result, the settlement is
defined as Sintashta in one part and as Petrovka in another part of the same
scientific study [Vinogradov, 2011, p. 27, 97]. Meanwhile, the Semiozernoe II
settlement is the only studied site of these cultures without artifacts of other
epoch in Kazakhstan thus far. Therefore the main aim of this study is to
describe information gathered during settlement excavation as completely as
possible. But due to the aim and limitations of volume interpretative statements
turned out to be very brief. Later the authors will publish a more detailed
work, and possibly readers may consider this paper as food for reflection. At
the settlement there were excavated 1545 m2 of occupation layer and
remains of six constructions. Apparently the settlement was established by
metallurgists. Only the construction 1 can be recognized as dwelling. Many
everyday non-metalworking artifacts were discovered there. The construction 3
was used mainly for copper smelting. There is a big metallurgical furnace there,
but no small furnaces. The constructions 2, 4, 5 were used for subsequent
metalwork operations based on small furnaces, many hearths, chisel mould and
other findings. When comparing pottery from the Semiozernoe II settlement and
the Arkaim settlement, it is ascertained that main pottery types of these sites
are the same [Malutina, Zdanovich, 2004]. This represents the settlements as
part of one culture tradition at the same time. Small size of the Semiozernoe
II, small density of occupation layer, functional specialization of
constructions indicates at short duration of the settlement. Similarity
of the pottery from the Semiozernoe II and the Arkaim enables us to consider
poorness of occupation layer at the Arkaim as a result of its short duration
too. The above-mentioned leads to the conclusion that the attempt to split the
Arkaim collection into Sintashta and later Petrovka is apparently unsuccessful [Vinogradov,
2011, p. 96]. In broad terms, it is necessary to return to the problem of
correlation between Sintashta and Petrovka antiquities.
Key words: Semiozernoe II, metallurgy, Sintashta, Petrovka, Bronze Age.
DOI: 10.20874/2071-0437-2016-33-2-030-040
V.V. Evdokimov
Karaganda state University named after academician E.A. Buketov, Universitetskaya st., 28, Karaganda, 100028, Republic of Kazakhstan
E-mail: [email protected]
A.V. Logvin
Kostanai State University A. Baitursynov, A. Baytursynov st., 47, Kostanai, 110000, Republic of Kazakhstan
A.A. Tkachev
Institute of problems of development of the North SB RAS, Malygin st., 86, Tyumen, 625026, Russian Federation
E-mail: [email protected]