Andronovo settlement Shlyapovo in the Upper Ob
Kiriushin Iu.F., Grushin S.P., Leontieva D.S. (Barnaul, Russian Federation)
The Andronovo settlement complexes of the Upper Ob are studied extremely weak. In this regard, the results publications of the settlements research are important for further study of the Bronze Age history. This work is devoted to analysis of material obtained during excavations in 1952 under the leadership of Gryaznov M.P. at Andronovo settlement Slyapovo in the Upper Ob. Excavation materials are stored in the collections of the State Hermitage Museum, they are represented by a bone implements, bronze, stone, clay products. In this paper particular attention is aimed to the most massive category of finds — ceramic complex. Representative selection (451 samples) allowed to divide the complex in two groups: Andronovo (predominant) and Late Bronze. For Andronovo group was provided the analysis of the ornament and form of the vessel. The methodical base were works of Genning V.F., Rudkovsky I.V., Tkachev A.A. and Tkacheva N.A. It has been revealed 16 ornamental motives. Basically it was vertical herringbone, horizontal grooves and horizontal «herringbones», ranks of the pit depressions. Rarely encountered the lines, short diagonal lines, vertical zigzag and ornaments in geometric style (triangles, «ducks», meanders). The vessels decor was performed in various techniques of the ornament applying, but the most common was a smooth punching stamp, large and small comb. There were two main forms of the vessels from the settlement — cans and pots. Also were revealed the laws in the form of the vessels and ornaments correlation. On the base of the provided analysis were marked the features of the settlement dishes. Accounted ornamental schemes allowed to compare the Slyapovo site with another settlements of the Andronovo culture of the Upper Ob. Topographic data with the founded artifacts allowed to attribute the site to the temporary settlement type. Common features of the settlement Shlyapovo gave the possibility to date the complex within a broad framework of existence of the Andronovo culture in XV–XIII B.C.
Key words: the Upper Ob, the Andronovo culture, settlement, the Bronze Age, ceramics, border, ornamentation technique.
DOI: 10.20874/2071-0437-2016-32-1-044-054
Iu.F. Kiriushin
Altai State University, Lenin st., 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation
S.P. Grushin
Altai State University, Lenin st., 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation
Å-mail: [email protected]
Leontieva D.S.
Altai State University, Lenin st., 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation
Å-mail: [email protected]