el. (3452) 406-360; (3452) 400-362E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
The Editor-in-Chief of the Online media «Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii» Anatoly N. Bagashev graduated from Tomsk State University with the thesis work «Distribution of Discrete Variable Characteristics in Turkic-language Populations of Altai-Sayan in Connection with the Issues of Their Origin» with the assignment of the specialty «The Historian. Teacher of History and Social Science» in 1979.
He specialized in the field of paleoanthropology of Asia and ethnic anthropology of the peoples of Northern Eurasia under the leadership of Vladimir A. Dremov.
From 1979 to 1981 he worked as a history and social science teacher at the secondary school of Samus village, Tomsk district, Tomsk region. In 1981–1990th he worked in the Problem Laboratory of History, Archeology and Ethnography of Tomsk University.
In 1989 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of historical sciences at the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow) on the topic «The formation of Tobol-Irtysh Tatars according to cranioosteology data». In 2000 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) on the theme «Formation of the ancient and modern population of Western Siberia according to anthropology».
He has been working at the Institute of problems development of the North, Siberian branch, Russian Academy of Sciences since 1990. He was a deputy director for scientific work from 2001 to 2007. In March, 2007 he became a director of the Institute of problems of development of the North (IPDN), SB RAS, in 2017 the Institute entered Tyumen Research Centre, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Tyumen Scentific Center SB RAS). Anatoly N.Bagashev also leads the work of the physical anthropology sector of IPDN.
Under Anatoly N. Bagashev leadership 4 PhDs defended their theses: Razhev D.I . «Population of the forest-steppe of Western Siberia of the Early Iron Age: reconstruction of anthropological features». Moscow, 2002; Rykun M.P. «Paleoanthropology of the Upper Ob region in the Early Iron Age (according to craniology data)». Moscow, 2005; Volzhanina E.A. «Ethno-demographic processes in the environment of Yamal Nenets in the XX — early XXI century». Novosibirsk, 2007; Chumak E.G. «Formation and development of the education system of the Ob-Ugric peoples of North-West Siberia in the 1920s–1950s». Tomsk, 2008.
The main scientific interests: ethnic anthropology and ethnogenesis of the population of Northern Eurasia, the development of problems of ethnic history and the origin of ancient and modern indigenous populations; the main stages of the history of anthropological types, the limits of variability of populations in the Early Iron Age and the Middle Ages, as well as modern Ugric, Samoyedic and Turkic groups.
Objects of research: paleopopulation (craniological and osteological materials)
Research area: Western Siberia, the Urals, Eastern Siberia, Altai
Expert activity: Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, expert on Section 06 of the RFBR, member of the Presidential Council on Nationalities, member of the Presidium of the Association of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia and Presidium of the Tyumen Scientific Center of the SB RAS.
Projects; grants:
RFBR 2013–2015 «Peculiarities of physical development of aboriginal and old-timer population of Siberia in the light of adaptive capabilities» RGNF 2015–2016 «Functional values of folk architecture in the context of the traditional culture of the Eastern Slavs»
Monographs and chapters in monographs
L'vova E.L., Biriukovich R.M., Dremov V.A., Aksianova G.A., Khit' G.L., Bagashev A.N., 1991. Tiurki taezhnogo Prichulym'ia. Populiatsiia i etnos [The Turks of the taiga in Prichulymye. Population and ethnos.] Tomsk: Izd-vo Tom. un-ta, 246 p.
Bagashev A.N., 1995. Antropologicheskii obzor [Anthropological review]. Yamal — znakomyi i neizvestnyi. Tyumen': IPOS SO RAN, 238 p. (avtory Ablazhei A.M., Boiko V.A., Zen'ko A.P., Kanakin I.A., Kucher V.V., Matveev A.V., Muratov P.D.).
Bagashev A.N., Dremov V.A., Kim A.R., Rykun M.P., 1998. Rasogenez korennogo naseleniia. Vol. 4. Ocherki kul'turogeneza narodov Zapadnoi Sibiri [Essays on the Culturogenesis of the Peoples of Western Siberia]. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tom. un-ta, 352 p.
Bagashev A.N., 2000. Paleoantropologiia Zapadnoi Sibiri: lesostep' v epokhu rannego zheleza [Paleoanthropology of Western Siberia: forest-steppe in the era of Early Iron]. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 374 p.
Bagashev A.N., Aksianova G.A., Bogordaeva A.A., Kvashnin Iu.N., Konev A.Iu., Lar L.A. i dr., 2003. Etnografiia i antropologiia Yamala [Ethnography and anthropology of Yamal]. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 390 p.
Bagashev A.N., 2015. Antropologiia sibirskikh tatar. Etnografiia i antropologiia sibirskikh tatar [Ethnography and anthropology of the Siberian Tatars]. Kazan': Izd-vo «Idel'», pp. 120–143.
Bagashev A.N., Antonov A.L., 2010. Kraniologicheskaia kharakteristika russkikh starozhilov Omskogo Priirtysh'ia / Pogrebal'nyi obriad russkikh Srednego Prirtysh'ia XVII–XIX vv. po materialam kompleksa Iziuk-I [Russian funeral rite in the Middle Irtysh territory in the XVII–XIX centuries on the basis of materials of the Izyuk-I complex]. Omsk: Izd-vo «Apel'sin», pp. 247–280.
Bagashev A.N., 2011. Proiskhozhdenie aborigenov Severnoi Evrazii [The Origin of Aborigines of Northern Eurasia]. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.KG, Saarbrucken, Germany, 363 p.
Articles in Russian editions (since 2010):
Bagashev A.N., Fedorov R.Iu., 2010. Printsipy rasseleniia i etnokul'turnye protsessy v srede belorusskikh pereselentsev Urala i Zapadnoi Sibiri [Principles of resettlement and ethno-cultural processes among the Belarusian settlers of the Urals and Western Siberia]. Vestnik arkheologii, antropologii i etnografii. no. 2 (13). pp. 148–152.
Bagashev A.N., 2010. Lokusy i ochagi rasoobrazovaniia [Loci and foci of the racial formation] Chelovek: ego biologicheskaia i sotsial'naia istoriia. vol. 1. M.; Odintsovo: Izd-vo ANOO VPO «Odintsovskii gumanitarnyi institute», pp. 55–61.
Bagashev A.N., 2010. Migratsii i avtokhtonnoe razvitie v genezise drevnikh i sovremennykh populiatsii Zapadnoi Sibiri [Migration and autochthonous development in the genesis of ancient and modern populations of Western Siberia]. Sever i Iug: dialog kul'tur i tsivilizatsii. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo IAET SO RAN, pp. 48–58.
Bagashev A.N., Moskovchenko D.V., Razhev D.I., Poshekhonova O.E., 2010. Khimicheskii analiz kostnoi tkani narymskikh sel'kupov [Chemical analysis of bone tissue of the Narym Selkups]. Vestnik arkheologii, antropologii i etnografii, no. 1. pp. 53–63.
Bagashev A.N., Razhev D.I., Poshekhonova O.E., 2011. Srednevekovoe naselenie taezhnoi zony Zapadnoi Sibiri v svete antropologicheskikh dannykh [Medieval population of the taiga zone of Western Siberia in the light of anthropological data] Nauka, obshchestvo, chelovek: Vestnik Ural'skogo otdeleniia RAN, no. 1 (35). pp. 127–137.
Bagashev A.N., Fedorov R.Iu., 2012. Osobennosti etnokul'turnoi identichnosti belorusskikh pereselentsev v Zapadnoi Sibiri [Ethnic and Cultural Identity of the Belorussian Migrants in Western Siberia]. Arkheologiia, etnografiia i antropologiia Evrazii, no. 3. pp. 124–129.
Bagashev A.N., Alekseeva E.A., 2012. Kraniologiia Ust'-Poluia: rodstvennye sviazi i problemy taksonomii [Craniology of Ust-Poluy: kinship ties and problems of taxonomy]. Arkheologiia Arktiki. Ekaterinburg: Delovaia pressa, pp. 72–77.
Bagashev A.N., Fedorov R.Iu., 2013. Narodnye pravoslavnye traditsii belorusskikh krest'ian-pereselentsev v Zaural'e [Folk traditions of Belarusian peasants in the Trans-Ural region]. Ural'skii istoricheskii vestnik. no. 2 (39). pp. 56–63.
Bagashev A.N., Fedorov R.Iu., 2014. Istoriko-etnograficheskie aspekty zhizni belorusskikh krest'ian-pereselentsev na Dal'nem Vostoke [Historical-and-ethnographic aspects of life with regard to Byelorussian peasants-the-migrants in the Far East] Vestnik arkheologii, antropologii i etnografii, no. 2 (25). pp.99–106.
Bagashev A.N., 2014. Antropologicheskaia differentsiatsiia drevnikh i sovremennykh populiatsii Severnoi Evrazii [Anthropological differentiation of ancient and modern populations of Northern Eurasia] Genetika cheloveka i patologiia. Problemy evoliutsionnoi meditsiny. Tomsk: Izd-vo «Pechatnaia manufaktura», pp.35–40.
D'iakonov V.M., Stepanov A.D., Bagashev A.N., Kuz'min Ia.V., Khodzhins G.V.L., 2014. Atlasovskoe zakhoronenie XIV-XV vv. kulun-atakhskoi kul'tury v kontekste problem etnogeneza iakutov [Atlasovskoe burial of the kulun-atakh culture of the XIV–XV centuries in the context of the problems of ethnogenesis of the Yakuts]. Vsadniki Severnoi Azii i rozhdenie etnosa: etnogenez i etnicheskaia istoriia sakha. Novosibirsk: Nauka, pp. 233–240.
Bagashev A.N., Razhev D.I., Poshekhonova O.E., Alekseeva E.A. 2014. Antropologicheskie osobennosti naseleniia subarktiki Zapadnoi Sibiri v epokhu rannego zheleza [Anthropological features of the population of the subarctic of Western Siberia of the Early Iron Age]. Fizicheskaia antropologiia: metodiki, bazy dannykh, nauchnye rezul'taty. SPb, pp. 60–73.
Bagashev A.N., Razhev D.I., Slepchenko S.M., Poshekhonova O.E., Alekseeva E.A., 2015. Opyt kompleksnogo izucheniia mumifitsirovannogo pogrebeniia (po materialam iz mogil'nika Zelenyi Iar) [The experience of a comprehensive study of mummified burial (based on materials from the burial ground of the Green Yar)]. Paleoantropologicheskie i bioarkheologicheskie issledovaniia: traditsii i novye metodiki. SPb: Izd-vo «Lema», pp.11–16.
Bagashev A.N., Razhev D.I., Zubova A.V., Bravina R.I., D'iakonov V.M., Stepanov A.D., Kuz'min Ia.V., Khodzhins G.V.L., 2016. Antropologicheskoe issledovanie ranneiakutskogo Atlasovskogo pogrebeniia XIV–XV vekov [A Medieval Yakut Burial Near Lake Atlasovskoye of the 14th–15th Centuries: An Anthropological Study]. Arkheologiia, etnografiia i antropologiia Evrazii. vol. 44, no. 2. pp.137–147.
Bagashev A.N., 2016. Mezhgruppovaia izmenchivost' kraniologicheskikh osobennostei severnykh samodiitsev i ketov [Intergroup variability of cranial special features of the Northern Samoyeds and Kets.]. Vestnik Tom. un-ta. Istoriia, no. 4 (42). pp. 86–93.
Bravina R.I., D'iakonov V.M., Nikolaev E.N., Petrov D.M., Syrovatskii V.V., Bagashev A.N., Poshekhonova O.E., Slepchenko S.M., Razhev D.I., Zubova A.V., Alekseeva E.A., Kuz'min Ia.V., 2016. Kompleksnoe issledovanie ranneiakutskogo Sergeliakhinskogo pogrebeniia serediny XV - nachala XVI vv. [Comprehensive study of the early Yakut Sergelyakh burial of the XV — beginning of the XVI centuries]. Vestnik arkheologii, antropologii i etnografii, no. 4 (35). pp. 90–109.
Bagashev A.N., Razhev D.I., Poshekhonova O.E., Slepchenko S.M., Alekseeva E.A., 2017. Rezul'taty antropologicheskogo izucheniia mumifitsirovannykh ostankov iz mogil'nika Zelenyi Iar v Nizhnem Priob'e [An Anthropological Study of Mummified Remains from the Zeleny Yar Cemetery on the Lower Ob, Western Siberia]. Arkheologiia, etnografiia i antropologiia Evrazii. vol. 45, no. 1. S.135–145.
Bravina R.I., D'iakonov V.M., Petrov D.M., Solov'eva V.N., Syrovatskii V.V., Bagashev A.N., Poshekhonova O.E., Slepchenko S.M., Razhev D.I., Alekseeva E.A., Zubova A.V., Kuz'min Ia.V., 2017. Zhenskoe pogrebenie XVII v. Atlasovskoe-2 iz Tsentral'noi Iakutii: rezul'taty kompleksnogo issledovaniia [The woman’s burial of Atlasovskoe-2 of the XVII century in Central Yakutia: results of a complex research]. Vestnik arkheologii, antropologii i etnografii, no. 1 (36). pp.44–63.
Bagashev A.N., Slepchenko S.M., Alekseeva E.A., Sleptsova N.V., 2017. Kraniologicheskaia nakhodka na sviatilishche kulaiskogo gorodishcha Bol'shoi Log v Omske [A craniological finding from a shrine at Bolshoy Log fortified settlement of the kulay culture in Omsk]. Vestnik arkheologii, antropologii i etnografii, no. 2 (37). pp. 57–71.
Articles published in foreign languages and in foreign editions
Bagashev A.N., 1994. On the Problems of Anthropology of West Siberian Populations during the Neolithic period. Journal of Korean Ancient Historical Society. Seoul, no. 16. pp. 171–198.
Bagashev A.N., Kim A.R., 1994. Craniology of Western and Southern Siberian Peoples // Journal of Korean Ancient Historical Society. Seoul, no. 16. pp. 347–365.
Bagashev A.N., 1999. The Racial Structure of West Siberia Ugrians // Europa et Sibiria. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 41–47.
Bagashev A.N., 2002. Uralic peoples origin in the light of bio-anthropological data // Northern Archaeological Congress. Papers. Ekaterinburg, pp. 24–29.
Bagashev A.N., Fedorov R.Yu., 2012. Ethnic and cultural identity of the Belorussian migrants in Western Siberia // Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, vol. 40, no. 3. Ñ. 124–129.
Slepchenko S.M., Ivanov S.N., Bagashev A.N., Tsybankov A.A., Slavinsky V.S., 2016. Traditional living habits of the Taz tundra population: a paleoparasitological study // Korean Journal of Parasitology, vol. 54, no. 5. pp. 617–623.
Bagashev A.N., Razhev D.I., Zubova A.V., Bravina R.I., Dyakonov V.M., Stepanov A.D., Kuzmin Ya.V., Hodgins G.W.L., 2016. A Medieval Yakut Burial Near Lake Atlasovskoye of the 14th–15th Centuries: An Anthropological study // Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, vol. 44, no. 2. Ñ. 137–147.
Bravina R.I., D’iakonov V.M., Bagashev A.N., Razhev,D.I. Poshekhonova O.E., Stetsenko S.M., Kuz'min Ya.V., G.W.L.Hodgins. Early Yakut Burials of the Fourteenth–Seventeenth Centuries., 2016. New Data on the Origin of the Yakuts (Sakha) // Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia, vol. 55. Issue 3–4, pp. 232–268.
Bagashev A.N., Razhev D.I., Poshekhonova O.E., Slepchenko S.M., Alekseeva E.A., 2017. An Anthropological Study of Mummified Remains from the Zeleny Yar Cemetery on the Lower Ob, Western Siberia // Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, vol. 45. no. 1. pp. 135–145.